Important Update from Miss Dixie’s
This has been a difficult year. Like many other organizations, we have been absolutely swamped with rescue, TNR and sponsored spay/neuter requests. While we work to accommodate everyone we can, we have been essentially closed for intake since June. Miss Dixie's is not a shelter and does not have a central location. This means that all our kittens are placed in foster homes upon intake, and remain there until a
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Best Practices for TNR
One of the questions we're often asked is how can someone go about a TNR mission on their own. We've got the best practices for you, and a list of what you'll need! Have a planDon’t go out and trap just to trap. Always have an exit strategy. Make an appointment at your local spay neuter shelter who will take them in the day that you trap them. Don’t just trap them and then reach out to have someo
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Transformation Tuesday & TNR Tuesday
We were on a TNR mission last week where we found this tiny baby and his sibling in horrible condition. Sick with an upper respiratory infection and worms, their eyes and nose were glued shut with gunk and they were very emaciated. Despite our best efforts and fast action, his sibling did not make it. However, baby Puck has made a huge recovery in just a little over a week! He is putting on lots of weight a
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Nine Ferals!!
You are looking at 9 ferals from two separate colonies that our team trapped, brought to Clemson Paw Partners to be spayed/neutered and will be returned later today. We are so proud of our team & their dedication to helping reduce the over population of kittens and cats in the Upstate. Thank you to all our donors and volunteers, without you, this wouldn’t be possible. And a HUGE Thank you to the all veterin
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How quickly can one unfixed cat turn into a giant colony of cats and kittens?
Just how quickly can one unfixed cat turn into a giant colony of cats and kittens? This infographic below is a great visual example of just how fast a population of cats can grow when they have not been spayed or neutered! Cats only stay pregnant for about 2 months and the typical litter size is 4 kittens. Within 4 short months, those kittens can already go into heat and start having offspring of their own.
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What does a TNR Mission Look Like?
What does a TNR mission look like? Swipe through to see how we do it!If you are interested in joining our growing TNR team, use the link below to apply to become one of our volunteers. We can’t do this without help from people in our community like you! Even if you can only volunteer one day a month, we could use your help! https://forms.gle/ykozULMh1Nmdgu6L6To help support Miss Dixie's TNR efforts in your communi
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