When you look at these pictures, you might think that these two kitties look very similar, and it is because they’re quite literally family!
Meet Tulip! She was rescued from a Church parking lot a few months back. When we got her, she was sick with an upper respiratory infection (URI), covered in fleas and full of intestinal parasites. Thankfully we were able to nurse her back to health, and she has since been adopted into a wonderful forever home where she will never have to suffer again.
But that’s not where Tulip’s story ends.
After learning where she was found, Miss Dixie’s TNR team went back to that location to look for her potential siblings and see if she was dumped at the church or if she was part of a community colony.
Lo’ and behold, we found a very large colony of kitties who looked just like out Tulip. These cats had someone who fed and cared for them regularly, or what we would call a colony feeder.
This individual had tried to catch and spay/neuter as many cats as they could over the years, but some cats were not able to be trapped without the proper equipment. So over the course of a few weeks, Miss Dixie’s TNR team successfully TNRed over 20 cats from that location, and will be returning soon to finish trapping the final 7.
While we love Tulip and are so grateful for her landing in our care, there were likely many other kittens who were not as lucky. Preventing kittens from being born into colonies where they are at a very high-risk of disease and death, is one of the kindest and best things we can do for our community cats.
If you have been wanting to get involved with kitten or cat rescue and aren’t able to foster, please consider joining our TNR team by filling out the application.
To help support Miss Dixie’s TNR efforts in your community, please consider becoming a monthly donor! Even $5 will go towards the cost of spaying/neutering and vaccinating our community cats. Become a monthly donor.