Adopt a Pet

Pet Name: Ratchet

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Breeds: Domestic Shorthair

Sex: Male

Color: Brown/White

Meet Ratchet
Meet Ratchet (to be adopted with Clank) Ratchet was found at an outdoor colony and he definitely did not trust humans at first. However, he was won over once he discovered how nice scratches are and how delicious lick treats are. Now, he loves to get love and attention! He is a talkative guy and loves to greet you with meows and will carry on a conversation. When he is getting really good scratches he likes to flop over on his side. He will purr forever and likes to be curled up beside you. He is looking for his forever home with his sister, Clank. They make an excellent pair. They love to play and wrestle with each other and cuddle when they are finally worn out.
Mama Azula